Do you want to know about our motivations, mindset or how we deal with situations along the way?
The Vendee Globe single handed, non-stop sailing race around the world has started this week. I want to share a story about a sailor of a competition.....
‘What a weird colour’ Alex looks at me in wonder while he puts some sun cream on my nose.
The thing I got in common with Trump
When climbing hills I always attract some unwanted company... I can't help it. But now I know how to deal with it.
I must redefine bad weather. I must. After a summer holiday in France, I finally know what bad weather really is...
When things happen beyond our controle and we have to change our plans.
It must be an awful job, being a weatherman/women in Scotland. Dangerous too. Not to mention the mental health issues that might occur while having this job.
Do you want to read more stories? Just......