Let us tell you some Scottish stories about history, magical beasts, castles, kings...tall tales and superstition.
Do you want to be cured of lunacy? I now what to do!!! just follow the instructions in this post.
Yummy, brownies!!! But this is a Brownie that can't be eaten. You will get into trouble when you try. This Brownie is one of the magical ones
I’m not keeping it for myself any longer. This is my coming out. Yes, I’m a believer. I believe Nessie is alive!
Why did this captain give his boat the name ‘Fear Not 2’? And what happened to ‘Fear Not 1’? And why is a boat always referred to as ‘she’? These questions always pop up when seeing a fishing boat on the water or in harbours.
A story about a little girl with a big imagination on a quest to find the shipwreck of the SS Politician after hearing the story in the pub.
Paddling around this enchanting landscape of the Scottish coastline, illusions of magical creatures under the waves start floating around in my head. It is almost tangible that there must be mermaids around. Mermaids, sirens and selkies are all part of the seafaring folklore. They have been depicted at maps of the world from the middle…
Do you want to read more stories? Just......